Tuesday 24 April 2018


Imagine being able to draw or write with any color in the world, not just the color(s) of the ink that come with your pen. Say hello to the Scribble Pen, a smart pen with a special ink cartridge and scanner that can replicate any color.

Billed as the "last pen you'll ever have to buy," the Scribble Pen promises to let you "scan" colors simply by touching the RGB color sensor built into the top of the pen onto a colored object. Want to doodle with an exact shade of red from a rose? Touch the pen's scanner to its petals. Must color your BB-8 drawing with the right orange? No worries, touch the Scribble Pen to a BB-8 toy and get coloring. Itching to make a poop emoji masterpiece for your loved one? Go ahead and scan that turd you just squeezed out. OK, maybe don't do that, but you get the idea.

The Pen's smart ink cartridge "connects to a smart micro pump that recreates the color you have scanned." According to the product's website, the ink is water-resistant and won't ever fade. We have no idea how long the ink will last, only that you'll be able to "write for miles with each generous, affordable ink cartridge."

Truly a revolutionary tool to make art.




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